Autumn Workshops Available Now
April 30, 2015
In thinking about my first blog for my new online store, I was really drawn to sharing some of the charm I have found on the pavements in my own recent shopping excursions in Melbourne, Auckland and Wellington. Check out the images below - I love the contrast of both the lusciousness and the contemporary design of these various locations.
Whilst the irony of 'the pavement' as a topic in an online shopping medium does not escape me, I think its a good place to highlight the massive opportunity online shopping has opened up for local councils, residents and business owners to really make our public spaces, and in particular shopping precincts, more inviting and charming. With nearly everything available to us with a quick touch of a gadget, WHAT IS IT that will still entice people outside into bricks and mortar? Whilst a lot will have to do with what goes on inside a store, I don't think we can discount the impact of a pavement, a street corner, a courtyard, or an entrance way. I for one, love and appreciate the ambience, the mood, and the charming aesthetic of those urban spaces that have had a little thought and effort put into them. And lets not forget the coffee, the juice, the cake and all the other awesome delights on offer from cafes and street vendors, but thats another blog for another day.
Central City Melbourne pavement Outside Corelli's cafe in Devonport Auckland
Outside Lululemon at Britomart, Auckland Willis Street, Wellington, outside a cafe
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